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The Ten Commandments are perhaps most relevant for a reason you may not suspect: they teach us how to be truly free. God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel just after He set them free from slavery in Egypt. The Commandments show them how to live the way they were intended. God set them free and then gave them the commandments to teach them how to live like free people.

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Mark reveals Jesus as God's Servant. Jesus's work was always for a larger purpose, as summarized in Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark filled his gospel with the miracles of Jesus, illustrating again and again both the power and the compassion of the Son of God. In these passages, Mark revealed more than Jesus as the excellent teacher who offered people spiritual renewal; the book also portrays Jesus as the true God and the true man, reaching into people's lives and effecting physical and detailed change.


 “Why should I be a member of a local church? I’m a part of the body of Christ. Isn’t that enough?” An increasing number of people think of the Christian faith primarily in terms of themselves as individuals. In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul says a firm “no” to this idea. The church of Christ is far from being an optional extra; it is the display of God’s wisdom to the universe!

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In the early chapters of the book of Genesis, we discover the God who made space and time and matter and order and life and us. We discover who he is, who we are, what life is all about, what went wrong, and what God is doing to put things right. These chapters are the foundations of the Bible and of Christian belief and are strongly opposed by the world around us for all sorts of reasons.

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This Sermon Series looks at Jesus' eight "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John. In the four Gospels Jesus’ unique authority and identity as the Son of God are expressed in sayings which begin with the words ‘I am’, a phenomenon most frequently seen in John’s Gospel. For Jews who knew their Bible well the force of all these ‘I am’ sayings would have been clear. Jesus was saying, ‘I am God.’ In hearing me you are hearing God speak.

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We live in a world full of lost people. You can find them in your neighborhood, your favorite restaurant, the shopping mall, the corner market—maybe even your own home. You want to see them saved, but you don’t know where to start. In The Great Commission series, we will walk you through four talks to understand the mission our Lord gave His disciples after His resurrection.

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In this sermon series on the Book of Romans, we walk through the most influential epistle in the Bible and learn about the true essence of Christianity and salvation by grace through faith in Christ. In this expository preaching series, we examine the miracle-working power of God on display in the Gospel. It is our hope and prayer that you will be inspired and strengthened through this series.

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“12 Marks of a Healthy Church” is a sermon series which will help us to become a better and healthier church. Our desire is not to merely increase in numbers; we want to increase in our depth. We will uncover the tangible marks of a healthy church. If you are interested in knowing what makes a church healthy, this series is a must.


Jesus’ half-brother James writes this letter to God’s people who are scattered, suffering, and sinning. James wanted the outcome of this letter to be that God’s people would no longer merely listen to the Word but do what it says. True faith works and is alive!  With repentance and surrender, let us prayerfully look into God’s perfect law that gives freedom as we study the letter of James.

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We take 15 weeks to walk through the Story of God. This is a narrative overview of the whole Bible, from beginning to end. Opportunities for reflections, questions, and frustrations are interspersed, which makes these longer than a typical sermon. The time is worth it, though, as we are challenged by the collective insight and experience of others.


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Disappointment? Fear? Anxiety? Anger? Hate? Everyone deals with emotions, even God himself. How we deal with them can draw us closer to God or drive us away from Him. This new series helps us to respond to troubling emotions with Jesus' guidence.


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In this series, we will be looking at the biblical account of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness found in Matthew 4. We will look at each temptation Jesus faced and then investigate how each temptation relates to us personally. We will try to answer the question of what temptation is, why temptation comes to us and what purpose temptation serves. In the end, I hope we will all find ways to overcome temptation by looking at how Jesus overcame.


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You can run, but you can’t hide! God’s love is too big, too great, and too fast to escape. Jonah finds this out first hand and, in the process, finds out just how much God loves him and us. In this series we examine God’s absolute sovereignty. Allow your heart to be opened to see if you are running with God or away from Him. As we go verse by verse through the amazing story of Jonah, you’ll see the power of the gospel at work in us all.


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 “Why should I be a member of a local church? I’m a part of the body of Christ. Isn’t that enough?” An increasing number of people think of the Christian faith primarily in terms of themselves as individuals. In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul says a firm “no” to this idea. The church of Christ far from being an optional extra; it is the display of God’s wisdom to the universe!



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Through this Philippians sermon series, we can't help but fall in love with this letter, Philippians, which Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, especially since they've come such a long way from humble beginnings. It's easy to see why Paul loved this church so dearly as he writes to them to thank God for them

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